Cristina Vinyals
Challenging the conventions of art and architecture, Cristina Vinyals (Mallorca 1988), a Mallorcan architect and artist, has taken a bold turn in her career, choosing the path less traveled towards artistic expression. Her latest endeavor: the creation of works that fuse natural materials and reused glass, transforming them into a sustainable luxury that is captivating international audiences.
With a decade-long career in the world of architecture and interior design, Vinyals decided to pursue his passion for art in the summer of 2023. This emerging artist, in her constant experimentation and inspiration by the blown glass technique of the Mallorcan tradition and her relationship with construction, has led her to create works from reused glass and natural pigments handmade with stones, earth or clay.
The vision
The natural pigments are handmade with stones such as Malachite, Dioptase, Azurite and Lapis Latzuli, or simply earths and clays, so they are top quality and sustainable materials.
With reused glass Cristina expresses the ambiguous relationship between resistance and fragility, which, just like in nature, is also present in glass.
Depending on how the light hits the painting it changes tone and texture, which gives the sensation that it is alive.
My frustration in the world of Architecture due to the little respect given to pre-existing nature on the land to be built, led me to change my career, transforming my frustration into works of art that can inspire people to be more environmentally conscious.
Starting from the importance of ecological awareness, my works are based on reflection on the action of human beings in the natural environment working on art from sustainable principles, not only in the theme but also in its materials and processes. Experimenting with waste to demonstrate the urgency of socio-environmental conflicts from an optimistic and transformative perspective.
Inspired by the blown glass of the Mallorcan tradition, I give a second life to crystal, which unlike glass cannot be recycled due to the amount of lead it contains. Thus, by reusing glass from broken or discarded exterior carpentry, I eliminate part of the non-recyclable waste we generate.
These crystals combined with natural pigments serve to express a duality that is also present in nature, which is the relationship between fragility and resistance. Glass is very resistant to compression, but we see its fragility with impacts, and nature is very resistant due to its ability to recover, but at the same time fragile due to the delicate balance of its ecosystems.
Space, time and light are fundamental elements in my work. I play through the interaction with the viewer's gaze, the chromatic changes and reflections of light and thought that occur thanks to the impact of light on the mosaic of crystals. By changing the point of view, different tones and reflections can be seen, creating an atmosphere of calm and inviting contemplation and introspection; thus reducing the stress and anxiety linked to the frenetic pace of modern life to allow us a time of self-reflection about ourselves impact on the environment.
I try to return the gesture to nature through tributes to our natural environment, defending it as an emotional refuge that suffers environmental degradation, highlighting the damage they suffer to turn it into a wake-up call, a way to question our relationship with the natural world. Thus creating a metaphor for the fragility of nature and our mark on it.
In the same way that I think about my works from sustainability in the theme, in its materials and processes, I also want to guarantee the continuity of my works even after the exhibition, giving them different uses so that they can remain alive.
Graduated in Architecture at the EAR (2005-2011)
Design, management and direction of projects at la GADE (2011-2012)
Interior photography (2012)
Interior design in the UEMC (2013)
Commercial management and marketing in the GADE (2015)
2024 Awards
Winner of the I Concurso de Arte Contemporáneo 'Arts & Crafts' given by AEDAS Homes, el Ayuntamiento de Palma, Casa Planas and ACCAIB for the artistic project 'Reflexions de llum i de pensament'.
Finalist award II Premio Internacional de pintura Francisco Pedraja Muñoz given by Fundación CB for the work 'Earth'.
Finalist award 45 Certamen d'arts plàstiques i visuals Vila de Binissalem
2024 Art fairs
PANGEA, ESMERALDA and AGUAMARINA ROUND. Art3f Portede Versailles, París (FR)
2024 Group Exhibitions
SEICHES and AGUAMARINA. Gallery Azur, Berlín. (DEU)
INTEGRITY and RESILIENCE. Gallery Uxval Gochez,Barcelona (ES)
AMBAR and DEEP. Toolip Art Gallery, Budapest (HUN)
EARTH. Expo Fundación CB, Badajoz (ES)
POSIDÒNIA. Le Guide Happening at Non Standard, Madrid (ES)
MARINA. Can Boni Gallery, Palma de Mallorca (ES)
PANGEA and ESMERALDA. Le Guide Happening at Hotel Nobu, SanSebastian (ES)
ARTISTIC PROJECT ‘Reflexions de llum i de pensament’ at Can Balaguer, Palma de Mallorca(ES)
2024 Digital Exhibitions
MARINA. Expometro Miami Beach (US)
PANGEA, AGUAMARINA andESMERALDA. Biennale Artbox Expo, Cipriarte Gallery, Venice (IT)
SEICHES. Andakulova Gallery, Dubai (UAE)
INTEGRITY. Thomsom Gallery, Zug (CHE)
MAMOMENT. Casa del Arte, Palma de Mallorca (ES)
ESMERALDA. Andie Art Gallery. Athen, Greece (GRC)